How to Record Inventory You Decide to Keep For Yourself
How to record inventory when you want to keep something for yourself.
How to record inventory when you want to keep something for yourself.
If you’ve been in business for any length of time, you may have heard about quarterly estimated tax payments, and maybe even thought to yourself, “What are quarterly estimated tax payments? And do I need to pay them?”
I’ve put together this Quickbooks subscription comparison post today to help you determine what features you need, and which ones you don’t, so you don’t end up paying for more than you need.
One of the most important strategies a retailer needs to develop is how they are going to price their products. In order to make sure you’re accurately marking up your products, it’s important for you to know what your inventory costs include.
One of the best ways to protect yourself in the event of an audit is to save receipts & bills that show proof of what you’re spending money on.
A bookkeeping reconciliation, or reconciliation for short, simply means that you are comparing 2 sets of financial records to make sure that they match.
Which reports in Shopify will show you bookkeeping records you actually need?
3 Types of Expenses in a Budget: Fixed, Variable and Related In order to feel REALLY in control of your money each month, you need to have a PLAN for that money. That’s where the budget comes in! This post is going to detail out the 3 types of expenses in a budget, and how …
3 Types of Expenses in a Budget: Fixed, Variable and Related Read More »
7 Types of Spending Activities in Your Retail Store (and how each should be tracked for tax purposes) Keeping track of all your spending activities in your retail shop is one of the key components of bookkeeping. In order to do so correctly, it’s important that you understanding that there are different types of spending …
7 Types of Spending Activities in Your Retail Store Read More »
I hear a lot of similar sales tax questions ALL the time. Sales tax can be complicated – ESPECIALLY if you do any selling online.
And let’s be real…it’s 2024. Almost everyone sells something online.